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http://www.100md.com 2018年5月25日 《中国医学创新》 2018年第15期
     【摘要】 目的:探究阶梯式慢性伤口小组应用于心内科压疮管理中的价值。方法:比较本院实施阶梯式慢性伤口小组制度前后,心内科护理人员对压疮相关知识及技能的掌握程度,同时比较该制度实施前后各1年内压疮事件上报情况。结果:压疮管理制度实施后护理人员在对压疮分级、创口的描述及处理、上报及评价表使用等方面能力较实施前均有显著提高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。实施该制度后1年内上报压疮正确率92.47%高于实施前54.10%,差异有统计学意义(字2=9.647,P=0.001 6)。压疮管理制度实施后上报不符合规范的原因较实施前有显著改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:医院实施阶梯式慢性伤口小组制度,能够显著提高护理人员对相应知识及技能操作的掌握能力,并能够将已发生的压疮及时准确的进行上报,在一定程度上提高了科室护理质量,值得推广。

    【关键词】 阶梯式慢性伤口小组; 心内科; 压疮

    【Abstract】 Objective:To explore the application value of stepped chronic wound group in the management of pressure sore in cardiology.Method:The degree of knowledge and skills related to pressure sore among nurses in cardiology department were compared before and after the implementation of the stepwise chronic wound group system in our hospital,and the reports of pressure sore events within one year were compared before and after the implementation of the system.Result:The degree of knowledge and skills related to pressure sore after the implementation of the pressure sore management system were higher than those before the implementation of the pressure sore management system,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).the correct rate of pressure sore reporting within one year after the implementation of the pressure sore management system(92.47%) was higher than that before the implementation of the pressure sore management system(54.10%),the difference was statistically significant(字2=9.647,P=0.001 6).There was statistically significant in main reasons for the nonconformity of the reporting system before and after the implementation of the pressure sore management system(P<0.05).Conclusion:The implementation of the stepped chronic wound group system can significantly improve the nursing staff’s ability to master the corresponding knowledge and skills,and can timely and accurately report the occurrence of pressure sores.To a certain extent,the nursing quality of the department is improved,and it is worth of popularizing.

    【Key words】 Stepped chronic wound group; Cardiology; Pressure sore

    First-author’s address:Shenzhen Luohu People’s Hospital,Shenzhen 518000,China



    1 資料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 本院心内科共有护理人员25名,均为女性,年龄(31.29±3.73)岁,其中主任护师1名,副主任护师1名,主管护师3名,护师15名,护士5名,选取2015年10月-2016年10月为阶梯式慢性伤口小组制度实施前研究范围,2017年1月-2018年1月为该制度实施后研究范围,两段时间内,心内科护理人员无人事变动。, http://www.100md.com(云燕 林粤祺 魏晓微)
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